Update August 27th, 2005
PICCOLOR Newsletter Fall 2005
As usual a lot of time has passed since the last newsletter has been published more than a year ago.
Many interesting projects have been performed successfully. Finally the 64Bit operating systems have been
presented by MicroSoft. Initial tests have shown that on 64Bit-enabled Intel and AMD processors this
step gives quite a lot more processing power. As MMX was not anymore supported by 64Bit Windows, some
functions had to be reassembled for SSE2 functionality and again show some speed gain. The enhanced
capabilities of the new Pentium D and Athlon X2 Dual Core processors show a lot of potential. Therefore
several additional functions have been converted for dual-threaded execution. For
dual processor dual core systems or the Pentium 840 Extreme Edition with its 4 logical cores some of the
picCOLOR functions have even been enhanced to use up to four threads and show some amazing speed up.
Some of the new functions implemented in the past year are:
- Many new functions in the picCOLOR main program
- New functionality in the 3D/Sequence extension module
- New functionality in the 3D Tracking extension module
- New functionality in the Particle Velocimetry (PIV) extension module
- The Particle Velocimetry (PIV) module is now available as library or as DLL
- New functionality in the Barcode extension module
- New frame grabber support
New functions in picCOLOR basic program:
- CORECO X64CL frame grabber support
- Complete FireWire 1394 camera support
- Load images in PPM format (P2, P3, P5, P6)
- Adaptive histogram equalization
- Edge tracing
- Region growing
- Several new binarizations (Mardia & Hainsworth, Whithe Rohrer I & II)
- New segmentation functions: peak search
- Mixed radix FFT for arbitrary size ROI
- Wiener Filter and Inverse Filter
- New modes for Bayer RGB filter: bilinear, smooth hue transition to rgb
- Convert Palette images to RGB
- Color space CMY conversions
- 1st version of the ImagePaint module has been finished
- New Graphic functions: draw circle, draw arbitrary angle ellipse
- MACRO function calls may be nested now
- MACRO program functionality was improved with many new functions
- Harddisk streaming write speed test was implemented
- The picCOLOR benchmark: several new functions, now working with 3 different resolutions
3D/Sequence extension module:
- New functions for 3D-FFT: Wiener and Inverse filter, Shift-Space, etc.
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Extension Module:
- New options and parameters have been included for Particle Tracking (PTV)
2D/3D Real Time Object Tracking Extension Module:
- EULER rotation system has been included
- New marker extrapolation using the average of the last 5 images for speed and direction
- New trigger types and modes
- More possibilities to set and check trigger lines in digital I/O card
Bar Code detection and reading:
- Highly improved Barcode function: very small codes can be detected with line width of less than 2 pixel
- Multiple code detection functions are improved to detect neighbouring codes with different angles
Available special modules:
- 3D/Sequence processing
- Interferometry
- Stereometric measurement and display
- Particle Image Velocimetry / Particle tracking (PIV/PTV), also as Library or DLL
- 2D/3D-Position-Tracking in Real Time
- Fringe Correlation Method (for surface deflection measurement)
- True Color Extensions
- 1D/2D Bar Code Reader
- OCR/OCV Character recognition and rotation
- Real Time Processing
- User-Programming in "C"
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